Rion and Diane Causey in the Usambara Mountains of Tanzania

While the headline stories about Global Rescue tend to describe challenging rescues from remote corners of the world, there is a less dramatic but equally important side to what we do.

Whether it is a simple stomach ache or something more serious, Global Rescue members can pick up the phone 24/7 and speak directly with our on-staff paramedics. In conjunction with our in-house physicians and specialists at Johns Hopkins Medicine, we will provide you with the timely and knowledgeable advice that can make or break your trip.

One of our members, Rion Causey, recounts his experience using the advisory benefits of his membership while traveling in Tanzania:

“I would like to compliment Global Rescue on their assistance to my wife during a recent hiking trip in the Usambara Mountains of Tanzania.  Her stomach had been getting progressively worse for two days, and now her temperature had begun to rise.  She had been taking Imodium, but with little success.  We had gotten a prescription for Cipromycin before leaving the States, but weren’t sure if the situation warranted use of such strong drugs, and how long to take it.  We used our iPad, connected to the Internet using a cellular SIM card, to contact Global Rescue and alert them to Diane’s symptoms.  They responded immediately and requested further information on specific conditions.  Within an hour of my transmission of that information, Global Rescue relayed treatment recommendations from their medical staff, which includes oversight from specialists at Johns Hopkins Medicine.  Taking the Cipromycin immediately and watching out for dehydration resulted in her temperature breaking within twenty four hours.  We were able to return to Arusha, and start our planned safari.  Having an emergency evacuation membership from a company that provides more than just evacuations saved our vacation.”

Rion Causey