Instructions for Setting User Permissions in the Partner Portal
What are user permissions and how do I use them?
As FULL ACCESS user to the partner portal, you can manage adding new points of contact (POC), also known as users, and setting their permissions based on role or what information you want accessible to them.
2. Select POC MANAGEMENT from the left-hand menu, then +ADD NEW POC from upper right-side of screen. Complete fields under ADD NEW POC.
3. Under PERMISSIONS select the level of access you want the user to have:
NO ACCESS means you will list a user in the system who will be visible to other users, but will not be able to access any information in the portal. You can change their permissions at any time.
LIMITED ACCESS allows you to select specifically which area/s you want the user to have access to.
FULL ACCESS allows user to have access to all areas in the portal.
4. If you select LIMITED ACCESSonly, the user will not be able to view the following: email and phone number of your Global Rescue members within Memberships, Commissions, POC Management or Resources. Your user will be able to view RP Code List, Memberships (has ability to purchase client memberships, but not renew), TI Quotes, Destination Reports and Contact Us.
5. Under LIMITED ACCESS, if you want a user to have access to specific area/s, you must check those areas to turn on access–
View Contact Information (of your clients who are Global Rescue members)
Has Access to Commissions Information
Access to POC Management
Access to Marketing Materials (Resources in portal)
6. Once you have selected PERMISSIONS for POC, hit the SAVE button.
For individuals 85+, medical transport is not included in membership. Members 85+ may purchase medical transport on a fee for service basis.
Mobile Apps:
Global Rescue Mobile Apps are designed for operation on the current versions of Android and iOS operating systems. Availability of services is subject to your equipment compatibility, connectivity and signal in your location. There is no guarantee that all features and functionality will be available in your location. Use and availability of the Mobile Apps are subject to your service provider’s plan and may be subject to additional fees from your provider. The download and use of a Global Rescue Mobile App is subject to the terms of your Member Services Agreement and the applicable End User License Agreement (EULA).
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Mobile Apps:
Global Rescue Mobile Apps are designed for operation on the current versions of Android and iOS operating systems. Availability of services is subject to your equipment compatibility, connectivity and signal in your location. There is no guarantee that all features and functionality will be available in your location. Use and availability of the Mobile Apps are subject to your service provider’s plan and may be subject to additional fees from your provider. The download and use of a Global Rescue Mobile App is subject to the terms of your Member Services Agreement and the applicable End User License Agreement (EULA).